A resilient individual hailing from Thoi, nestled in the Yasin Valley of Gilgit Baltistan. Despite enduring the loss of his father early in life, Jaffar exhibited unwavering determination in pursuing his education. Initially, he managed to cover his school fees for the first year and a half. However, as financial difficulties mounted, Jaffar turned to Hashoo Trust, seeking the educational support he needed. Recognizing his financial challenges and academic potential, Hashoo Trust extended assistance through the Educate a Child Program, supporting him from December 2008 to June 2011.
In the summer of 2009, Jaffer had an unfortunate incident where he fell from the summit of a mountain peak. Rushed to the hospital, medical tests revealed multiple head injuries, casting a shadow of concern over his life and imposing significant financial burdens on his family. In their hour of distress, they turned to Hashoo Trust for support, who consequently incurred all the medical expenses.
Jaffar’s indomitable spirit carried him forward. He successfully completed his Higher Secondary School Certificate in Pre-engineering from the Aga Khan University Examination Board. Following this achievement, he secured admission at the Islamia University of Bahawalpur to pursue a BS (Hons) in Economics, eventually graduating in June 2017.
Subsequently, Jaffar served as a lecturer of economics at the Government Inter College Taus Yasin. Later he joined Zari Taraqiati Bank Limited as a Mobile Credit Officer. Today, Jaffar has risen to the role of Research Officer in the Planning and Development Department of the Government of Gilgit Baltistan, where he continues to make a positive and lasting impact on his community.
Jaffar Ali Khan’s story embodies the transformative power of education and the unwavering support provided by Hashoo Trusts Educate a Child program, enabling individuals to overcome adversity and thrive, ultimately giving back to their communities.