Bibi Alia, a resident of Gilgit Baltistan, was raised by her widowed mother, facing life’s challenges with unwavering determination. As a beneficiary of the Educate A Child program, she embarked on a remarkable educational journey that culminated in her graduation with an MBBS degree.
Alia’s commitment to social work resonates deeply within her. While fulfilling her duties at a private hospital, she goes above and beyond to serve underprivileged patients, offering them vital medical assistance. The impact of our Educate A Child program is well beyond financial aid. For individuals like Alia, it serves as a catalyst for positive change within society. Her vision transcends personal success, as she aspires to give back to her community. To realize her vision, Alia has outlined plans to collaborate with local and other healthcare organizations to organize free medical camps. These initiatives are a testament to her commitment to uplifting the community she calls home, thereby fostering a healthier and more educated society.