Ali Hasnain was an eighth-grade student hailing from Upper Chitral, whose academic brilliance shone at AKES School Mastuj. However, the weight of his family’s financial struggles forced him to step away from his education. In 2017, with the support of the Educate A Child Program, Ali returned to school, resuming his education with renewed determination. With unwavering dedication, he consistently secured top positions, boasting scores of over 90% marks year after year.
This year, Ali topped the entry test for admission in the Aga Khan Higher Secondary School in Seen-Lasht, lower Chitral, where he will start his secondary school studies in the fall of 2024.
Ali attributes his remarkable success to several pillars of support. He acknowledges the invaluable guidance of dedicated teachers, the unwavering resilience of his parents who stood by his side, and, significantly, the steadfast support from Hashoo Trust through the Educate a Child program. This is only possible due to the unwavering support of our donors. His story exemplifies the incredible outcomes that can be achieved through educational support and unwavering belief in a student’s capabilities.